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"Confession" by Ven Fulton Sheen

This video inspired the founding of the Kiss of the Mercy Apostolate.

How to go to Confession

“'Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God. All the works of My hands are crowned with mercy.'”

(Jesus in St. Faustina's Diary, No. 301)

No sin is too black to be forgiven.  We need only trust in the mercy of God and approach Him in the sacrament of confession.  

1. Examination of Conscience  

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.  You can use the 10 Commandments, the Beatitudes, or any of the many guides available. Remember to include sins of omission as well.  

2. How long since your last confession

When you enter the confessional, you will make the sign of the cross and state how long since your last confession.  Sometimes a one sentence summary of your state in life (married or single, children) can be helpful to give the priest context.  

3. Complete, Concise, Contrite

For a valid confession, you must confess all your sins.  Be straight forward and honest.  The priest has heard it all before. Express your sorrow.  God forgives a contrite heart. It helps to say the biggest sin first.  The rest will flow easily.

4. Penance

The Priest will give you a penance- remember it so you can fulfill it afterwards! He may also give you some spiritual guidance.  

5. Act of Contrition

The traditional one is often posted in a confessional.  You can also use "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner." You simply need to express your contrition, and resolve to sin no more.

6. Absolution

The priest will then pray the words of absolution over you.  You respond, "Amen."

7. Don't forget to do your penance!

For a valid confession, you must do your penance.  The sooner the better!

St. Mary of the Assumption Confession Times


11:00-12:00pm Church 

3:00-4:00pm Church


3:00-4:00pm Church

6:00-7:00pm Church

25 Avery Street, Dedham, MA 


2:30-3:45pm Church

Under the spiritual direction of Fr. Wayne Belschner, pastor St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, Dedham, MA.

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